Hepatitis C Testing

Our Scarborough Hub ran a Hepatitis C Testing event during Hep C Awareness month. They promoted the use of a Cepheid machine, a portable Hepatitis C testing unit that delivers results within an hour, that they used to do on-site testing. So no need to send the test off to the lab and wait for results to come back.

This event was supported by our Humankind Hepatitis C Lead Debbie Moores and colleagues from the Hep C Trust. Throughout the day, 15 antibody tests were completed on people accessing the Scarborough service, along with 4 full tests on the Cepheid machine. This testing successfully identified one person who was positive for Hep C and is now being supported into treatment via the local treatment pathway.

A Tablet a Day Makes Hep C Go Away.

Lots of freebies and food was on offer and over the next couple of months the Cepheid will be making it’s way around the other North Yorkshire Horizons Hubs as part of this year’s efforts to achieve Micro Elimination of Hepatitis C in North Yorkshire.

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