We have amazing staff working at North Yorkshire Horizons. Please watch these short videos to get a taste of what various roles are like on a day-to-day basis across our service.
Adam discusses his role as a Recovery Coordinator at North Yorkshire Horizons
Adam works in Harrogate, his job role consists of supporting people who are struggling with substance misuse and issues of alcohol usage.
Liam discusses his role as a Recovery Coordinator at North Yorkshire Horizons
A Complex Needs Recovery Coordinator, Liam helps people who don’t have a GP, a dentist, who perhaps have poly drug use issues.
Laura discusses her role as a Complex Care Nursing Associate at North Yorkshire Horizons
She visits people in the community, looking out for people who may need aid on the street
Kev discusses his role as an Aftercare Worker at North Yorkshire Horizons
As an Aftercare Worker, Kev works with clients who have completed their work with the treatment team.
Holly chats about her role as Operational Manager at North Yorkshire Horizons
Qualified as a Mental Health Nurse, she finds it extremely rewarding working with colleagues with a mix of skills.